Written with love by Mariah the Mystic
A foreword: Right now, the world is feeling grim for a lot of people. There is no way to sugarcoat this and there are no easy or simple solutions and answers. I often think people turn to spirituality and religion when there is hope lost and they want to find an answer. The practice of astrology, studied and applied since ancient history, is meant to be a language, connecting the dots between something intangible and something tangible. We cannot apply it without honoring its sacred roots and the combined knowledge of many cultures (including but not limited to Asia, Europe and the Middle East). Astrology can be quite mystical but often subjected to misinterpretation and misuse. Pop culture ineffectively distills it down to bite size trendy ‘scopes that lack the depth and complexity of each placement and transit. Its best application is to help people shape out the contours of what lies ahead thematically. While the astrology may very well hold some answers, only you will be able to ascertain that. The purpose of this monthly article is to inspire you towards a deeper understanding of yourself, your growth pathways and your place in this larger unfolding landscape of the tangible and intangible.

2025 has started out as a very intense astrological year for many. It is understandable if things have felt acute or emotionally draining. March will be a month of overlapped retrograde action between Venus and Mercury as well as the first Eclipse season of the year. Even beyond the state of our world, the ethers are calling for us to slow down and take stock. Eclipse season is a great opportunity to set some goals and ambitions for the upcoming months to set the tone for 2025.
Right before the beginning of March, the wieldy Mars retrograde stationed direct in cancer. This marked the end of a cycle of fatigue, bumper to bumper traffic jams, conflicts or challenges and heightened emotional states. The planet of Mars is in its fall in Cancer amplifying tension, frustrations and bubbling undercurrents. You may have even experienced things dredged up from the past or an eruption of repressed or festered feelings. As we enter March, we are still in the post shadow of Mars retrograde. Around a retrograde period, there is a shadow period referred to as “pre-shadow” and “post-shadow” where the planet is moving more slowly than it normally does. During the shadow period, you may still be experiencing the build up or the wind down of the retrograde themes. It’s recommended that during post shadow, you ease back into a state of ‘normalcy’. As we’re cooling down from the effects of one retrograde, Mars, we’re colliding into an overlap of two others, Venus stationing retrograde March 1 and Mercury stationing retrograde on March 14.
The overlapped retrograde action between Venus and Mercury can lead to some sticky obstacles in your social and romantic spheres, as well as the potential for some financial stress. To see where this might be affecting your chart, you can pull up your birth chart and look for the cusp between where Aries and Pisces are residing. Whichever houses they are associated with will help you get a grasp on what might be intensified. If you have any planets in the signs of Aries or Pisces, you may experience these retrogrades more keenly.
Instead of focusing on all the things from the get go that could go wrong, retrogrades are great reminders for us to slow down and find ways to be tender to ourselves and the people around us. Much like many things in our world and in adulthood, you can’t control the stars. Retrogrades have been coming and going for millennia and will continue to. Letting go of a need for control is what will serve you best for complicated astrological weather. Retrogrades are famously full of hiccups. The best way to prepare for and sustain yourself through March’s ups and downs will be to stay as buoyant as possible. Be forgiving and kindhearted, and be flexible when you can. I would avoid making really large changes or decisions “for the hell of it”. This does not apply to planned travel, planned moves, planned contracts, or anything that threatens your health or wellbeing. In those cases, you should always proceed, but with a bit more eye on detail and patience than you normally would. Retrogrades are astrology’s version of divine intervention. They are our cyclical reminders to reconnect with the second by second, minute by minute of what is at hand, no matter how painful or uncomfortable it can be for us. The beauty in this is that you can choose to ride the wave instead of fighting against it and that is where the magic lives.
Venus is stationing retrograde on March 1st in fiery Aries. Venus is the planet that rules themes such as love, beauty and aesthetics. Venus Retrograde urges us to assess our relationships, romantic and platonic, as well as our desires. No, this does not automatically mean a break up ahead, but it could lead to some breakthroughs that help you decide if you’re truly happy and that your needs are being met. This is a really great time to journal and try to get in touch with your current needs, especially around love, sex, romance, intimacy and self worth. Vision boarding can help if your words aren’t cooperating. It can also be constructive for you to start or to continue the work of processing any lingering resentments or traumas in these areas. Venus Retrograde may also stir up some dynamics with money. It is opportune for sitting down and taking a good look at your finances, redoing your budgeting or cancelling some subscriptions or unnecessary expenses.
It is almost impossible not to mention one of the bigger challenges of Venus Retrograde: the struggle with societal beauty standards. I’m aware that the audience I’m writing for might be mainly BIPOC and Queer, and we all know better than anyone else the tedious, racist/euro centric and transphobic or misogynistic ways our world can operate when it comes to beauty. Venus in Retrograde in bold Aries and then back into the sensitive Pisces, on March 20th, might walk a fine line between in your face and in your feels when it comes to feeling worthy. If you have a trusted friend or group that you can share feelings with as they arise, I think that would be wonderful. Especially if they share similar lived experiences to you. If this isn’t your style, I would consider taking a social media break (if it’s triggering for you) or touching into small ways you make yourself feel beautiful and worthy. Maybe this could be doing your hair or getting a haircut, putting together an outfit that feels super you (or the version of you you’re becoming) or even taking a nude picture, to be your own muse. If these recommendations feel out of your comfort zone, I urge you to above all be tender with yourself. You’re evolving.
On the tail end of the Lunar Eclipse, on March 14th, Mercury stations Retrograde. Oh, the notorious Mercury Retrograde! Mercury goes Retrograde the most frequently out of all of the personal, social and generational planets. This occurs three to four times a year and lasts about 3 weeks. The most stereotypical things you hear are “don’t text your ex”, “don’t travel" and “don’t begin anything new”. I believe that this has become quite sensationalized with astrology entering the pop culture sphere a few years back. Certainly, Mercury Rx (short for Retrograde) has things feeling extra discombobulated, frustrating, slow and damn confusing. Will it affect travel? It definitely can, but I wouldn’t let it stop you from taking a trip. Instead, I would plan ahead and triple check everything while packing and booking. If you need to sign a contract or begin an important project, the world isn’t going to stop for you. I would proceed ahead, with a modicum of extra caution and an extra read-through or edit. Plan for technological mishaps or miscommunications to occur. Maybe now is not the best time to try for a viral marketing approach where you say something controversial on the internet (perhaps this is never a good idea). Will you hear from your ex? You might. I love this stereotype because I actually believe it, have experienced it and have witnessed it happening. I would recommend that if you hear from your ex that you might want to utilize your gorgeous gut, aka your intuition. You might have a sense for whether they are on a one way trip down nostalgia lane and will later ghost you or they have a genuine intention to re-connect. I know for the queer community, relationships with exes can be much more fluid than in heteronormative culture. My answer is what it always is in cases like this; you know best! Maybe hearing from an ex will put a smile on your face. But if the ex is toxic, I would simply heart the message or ignore and move on with your day.
This specific Mercury Rx lasts from March 14 to April 7th and it will occur in the signs of Aries and Pisces. It’s safe to say that the months of March and April might be uncharacteristically sluggish or filled with mishaps and disturbances. While Mercury Rx is in the sign of Aries, I would watch your words and communications with others, especially combined with the Venus Retrograde. People might offend you more easily and vice versa. Mercury (and Venus) Retrograde in Aries might have us feeling emboldened. While this can be a great combination for some spontaneous passion, it can also be quite hot-headed. You might be quick to say something hurtful or engage in a petty squabble or miscommunication. Dynamics might feel like they are teetering on the edge. Make sure you’re putting in effort to feel and express your emotions beyond verbal altercations and outbursts.
When Mercury Rx moves into Pisces on March 29th, I would fully embrace disconnecting from the physical world a bit. Drown out the noise and listen to a new album all the way through, break out the art supplies, have a movie marathon or get lost in the undulating dance floor. A little escapism is needed, especially if you have had your finger vigilantly on the pulse of everything. This is your permission to tend to your soul and find your version of god, whether that is a literal interpretation or a sexy bottle of Sancerre.
As previously mentioned, as the overlap in Retrograde action is occurring, so is the first Eclipse season of 2025. Right before Mercury Retrograde stations, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo and towards the end of the month there is a Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. Eclipse Season clears away the rubble to make room for new dreams and visions. These are potent times to take your pulse and get in touch with your needs.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14 EST is the first eclipse of 2025 and it will be tinged with a touch of the bittersweet. There is an energy exchange happening, encouraging surrender so that you can refill your cup anew. Full Moon Lunar Eclipses can heighten sensitivities and can be really powerful for a release of energy or sense of control whether it is a good cry or an orgasm. I would use this time as sacred and spend it with people who are safe to you or solo, by yourself. If you’ve been neglecting a good look in the mirror (metaphorically) this might be a good time. What is serving you and what is not? It could be as simple as skipping the extra cup of coffee midday or as complex as setting much needed boundaries with a situation-ship. Virgo is centered around themes of wellness and order. While this can serve them, it can also be a thorn in their side. This eclipse could be a wake up call to hone in on your mental health or physical health. It could be time to give yourself some tough love. If there has been something that has been nagging you inside for a while that you’ve been putting off that is important for your health, wellness, safety or joy, I think now would be a good time to create some momentum for yourself. With the world in such a delicate and unknown state, I’m thinking of you all reading this and what the implications might look like for you. I want to honor the balance of validating that trauma/hardship and giving it the needed space and silence and its counterpoint; making an action plan. You know best what you need and what makes sense for you, but see this as a gentle reminder to consider March 14 a safe day to consider your options and routes forward, even if it’s just a mental note.
Meanwhile, on March 29th in the early morning of EST, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries will arrive. It is an auspicious moment to set new goals and make space for your expansion over the coming months. I would apply a small drip of caution to manifestation and focus more on visioning and dreaming up. Infused with the Aries archetype, you’re bound to feel some reinvigoration and newness creep back in. This Solar Eclipse is putting the spotlight back onto you, your sense of independence, your courage. Any changes or goals acknowledged a few weeks ago with the Lunar Eclipse are being nudged towards fruition. However, there’s an intense push and pull this day with wanting to step into your personal power but struggling with insecurity or self doubt. Depending on your personal astrology, this interplay might affect you quite differently. For some, you may feel excitement and movement around your goals, and for others, you may be feeling foggy, philosophical and maybe even detached from reality. I would honor the lunation by honoring yourself. If you’re feeling a jolt of energy, I would take advantage of it by trying something new. Whether it’s a first date, a new cuisine or recipe, a new hobby or even just a new style, you can’t go wrong. If you’re experiencing more of a lull, try to connect with an altered state. If you like to meditate or pray, that is wonderful. You could light candles or create a ritual to honor your feelings. If you’re not spiritual, you could do something called flow state meditation; experiencing the disconnect and altered state of meditation by getting really involved in an activity. You could paint, read, work out, cook etc. The idea is to become so enmeshed in what you are doing, that you aren’t as present with your usual inundation of thoughts.
Amidst the chaos, our lovely Sun returns to Aries on March 20, heralding the Astrological New Year. You may also know it by the term ‘Equinox’ specifically the ‘Spring Equinox’ if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere. If you’re an Aries Sun, happy Solar Return (aka birthday in astrological lingo). You might not be in the most celebratory of moods this month, this year. That is understandable. But to reiterate, while Mercury shifts towards Pisces, I think that you should carve time to feel properly admired, loved on and appreciative of another year alive. I’m sure your people would echo this same sentiment. Even if you’re not feeling a big birthday bash this year, I think even a minimal observance is important. You’ll know what feels appropriate or yummy to you. When joy in the world feels lacking, we need to find it in ourselves, our people and our community more than ever! If we allow the current world to crush our joy and our spirit day in and day out, those malevolent people are getting the response they want. They cannot crush your (Black, Trans, Queer, Gay, etc) joy! They cannot take it away. Radical anger is important, but so is radical joy.
March is another month to take day by day. If you’ve made it here in the article, you might have started to pinpoint a few ways that all of the Astrology might be manifesting for you in your experience. I urge you to find ways to integrate this knowledge and wisdom that feel good to you and throw away the bits that don’t. Even if you don’t actively harness any of the astrological energy of the month and just live through it and tend to yourself as you need, that is enough. My hope with these monthly outlines is that people will see themselves, their challenges and their potential in these events. If talking about Venus retrograde makes a person realize that they have been struggling with their self image, then it has served its purpose. The beauty of the cyclical nature of astrology is that it is all circular. Over time, all of the planets will return to Aries and cycle back through the signs. The Moon will wax and wane. We will have countless opportunities to harness the energy. What is so magical and powerful about it all is that we can count on having Mercury Retrograde to help us slow down, a Solar Eclipse to dream big and Aries season to start the year all over again.